Gearing up to bleed…

I just ordered myself a new Lamy Safari Fountain Pen in shiny black (which makes me think of Snape) and a bottle of Noodler’s Antietam Red Ink (which makes me think of Snape).

What, obsession much?

I’m hoping that bleeding all over my ms (perhaps even with caustic, snide remarks) will inspire me, in a girding my loins sort of way.

And now, to finish the rough draft.

ETA: I ended up with Noodler’s Red, which is a gorgeous red. Eventually I may upload an edited page just so you can see its awesomeness!


Filed under Analog, Fountain Pens, Office, Office gear, Writing

4 responses to “Gearing up to bleed…

  1. You know, at one point I’d have used Antietam red as an ink color. But twelve years ago, I moved to a place where Antietam and Bull Run, and Manassas, and Gettysburg, and Appomattox are real living places, and a daily part of my existence.

    I don’t think I could use that color, not any more with that name. It’s almost holy.

    • And I supposed it’s only fitting that the ink arrived and it is nothing like the color on my screen; it is more like dried blood.

      That’s what I get for defiling the holy, huh?

  2. That did cross my mind, actually, what a bloody name it was, which I guess is the point. I looked at many colors before choosing that one, and that seemed the perfect one. But I definitely get your point.

Hit me with it.