Tag Archives: Typically British Reading Challenge 2010

A steampunk challenge!

October 2010 – October 2011, one steampunk book a month, read and discuss! Sound like fun?  Let’s do it!

Click the “steampunk challenge” button in my sidebar for more info, or go here.

As for the Typically British Reading Challenge (also in the sidebar)–I knocked that one out of the park but need to update it with details.

So… next up to bat?


Source of image here.


Filed under Books, Reading, Steampunk, Steampunk Challenge, Typically British Reading Challenge 2010

I broke my own rule.

My Kindle rule, that I never buy a book any more unless I have downloaded the free sample and read it, and want to keep reading that very minute.  It has allowed me to save lots of money by indulging my desire to impulse buy (by snagging many, many free samples) without A) spending money and B) having mountains of TBR books around me.

Until now.

I read Soulless and loved it. I then read Changeless and OMG wanted the next book now this very minute now.

I pre-ordered.

Blameless was on my Kindle when I woke up this morning.

Now this very minute now is finally here.

Will I regret breaking my rule?

Will it be as wonderful as I want it to be?

Stay tuned.

In the meantime, watch this again:


Filed under amazon, Book Covers, Books, Kindle, Reading, Steampunk

Update on the Typically British Reading Challenge 2010

If you look in the left sidebar you will note that I have read  four books by British authors so far.  Other than the first, I seem to be leaning toward period mysteries right now.  Marion Chesney’s are early 20th Century, and Ariana Franklin’s are during the reign of Henry II, who (along with Eleanor of Aquitaine) makes very effective cameo appearances.

The fact that there are only four in the sidebar is a little surprising to me, because I assumed it would be much higher than that.  I’ve listened to six other books that are set in England and have read five other British books, but it appears they were actually written by Americans.

I have achieved the second level:

• “Put The Kettle On” – Read 2 Typically British novels.
• “Gordon Bennett” – Read 4 Typically British novels.
Up next–“Bob’s Your Uncle!”

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Filed under Fiction & Literary, Mysteries, Reading, Typically British Reading Challenge 2010, Writers