“fancy little football person”


“The officers reacted because they were called to this location to do this job. Now they’re being put under a microscope by some fancy little football person,” he said. “Give me a break. Those officers are 10 times better than this man. … We police officers don’t go out to these calls and make stuff up.”

Now, believe me, I don’t blame Senior Corporal Glenn White for being a bit, shall we say peevish? Over the fact that Terrell Owens’ PR person Kym Etheredge claimed the police reports of his “suicide attempt” were inaccurate. (Of course, T.O. himself only says he doesn’t remember any of it.)

But really — “fancy little football person?”

Not to be out done —

Terrell Owens placed “Fancy Little Football Person” T-shirts in several of his teammates’ lockers this afternoon….

In other news, we’ll be on our way home from Austin and listening to T.O.’s Philly homecoming on the radio.

That’s okay. It’s a good broadcast.

And Dallas is going to win.

In the meantime, I’m still giggling over “fancy little football person” t-shirts.

Oh hell, I couldn’t resist!


Filed under Austin, Bicycles, cafe press, Cycling, Dallas Cowboys, fancy little writer person, Football, livestrong challenge, NFL, t-shirts

12 responses to ““fancy little football person”

  1. Now, see, this is the thing about T.O. I’m not heavily into the sports-radio demonization of people I know nothing about, anyway. But, T.O., well, while he doesn’t sound like a person that I’d like having around too much, seems like he’s as much on the list of people he’s mocking as anybody else. The t-shirts in the lockers is a very nice touch, and the Tour de France jacket on the exercise bike was brilliant. And I sure prefer public nose-thumbers like Owens or Reggie Jackson to these guys that try to run over people, or chase kids down the street, or throw women out of windows. He is, undeniably, the straw that stirs the drink. 🙂

  2. The straw that stirs the drink? LOL! Yep, you nailed it!

    (I’m on the side of the cops, anyway. But still. “Fancy little football person.” That just cracks me up.)

  3. Nice slogan, but somehow it wouldn’t look right on my 225 lbs, scruffy frame. BTW, go ‘Boys!

  4. Oh, come on now. If T.O. can be “little” any of us can! And remember, fancy is as fancy does.

  5. “fancy is as fancy does.”

    I like that one even better!

  6. Pooks…and everybody…say it with me…Tony Romo.

    If one receiver has triple coverage and the other has double coverage, throw it to receiver that has single coverage.

    There are only eleven defenders and even the craziest of defensive coordinators rushes with the minimum of three defenders. You have four receivers in a pattern, therefore, the coverage dictates that someone has single coverage.

    Tony Romo is the answer, he can’t do any worse. Drew Bledsoe is blinder than a mole stuck under the midday sun. He can’t read coverages. He can’t differentiate home colors from visting colors.

    Lasik? Contact lenses? Or even better yet, bench his *ss and put Tony Romo in before the playoffs are a distant memory.

  7. See this link from the Onion:

    I work for Kansas City Public Library. I want a shirt that says “Fancy Little Library Person”. 🙂

  8. No prob — I can do that for you. LOL

  9. Add “ash gray” to your shop and you can put me down for two.

  10. Cool. I just think it’s fun!

Hit me with it.