Monthly Archives: November 2005


So, toni points out (not QUITE pissily, but she did point it out) that I hadn’t linked to her.

Well, I was trying to figure out how to do stuff on that template since this is a new world to me. And I finally figured out how to put those blog links over there. And nic shared the code for the status bar for my new script. And I still haven’t figured out how to put the holidailies thingy over there.

Now, you may not have noticed (but I bet Toni has) that she is at the bottom of the “blogs of friends of pooks” links.

Because I did it alphabetically.

And no matter how many I added, Toni kept getting bumped to the bottom.

You should have seen me doing the alphabet on my fingers and even toes — believe me, not pretty — and any way I did it, Toni still ended up last.

Note to Toni: If you want to move to the top of the list, change your name to aardvark.

Added later: This was written when the blog was still on blogspot, so makes no sense any more.


Filed under Blogging


Okay, nobody cares. But I’m wondering, why on earth am I doing this?

And I finally decided, I’m jealous that diane keeps doing nanowrimo, but I don’t want to A) write a novel and B) do anything that hard. But there’s this whole “being part of a big bunch of people doing something fun” thing going on, and this whole “being forced to write something every day” thing going on….

So I decided to do holidailies instead.

Smaller bunch of people and a LOT less writing everyday.

It’s still a month of writing something besides scripts, though!

So, that’s why.

Not that anybody asked. Or cared. But, still. That’s why.

Um…okay, I’ll shut up now.


Filed under Blogging


But, testing. Testing.

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