The octopus costs too much.

It’s hard to steampunk anything on a budget, but give me a can of hammered copper or oiled bronze spray paint and turn me loose, and I’ll make a go at it!

But this is nothing but a fake feathered bird, a rock I had lying around, and a dried anole I’d had for a few years. Don’t ask me why. I found it and said to the Resident Storm Chaser, “Look at this. A dried lizard.”  We examined it from all angles and then it ended up on a shelf gathering dust with other dainty knick-knacks.  And thus I have my Victorian steampunk explorer’s first find and exhibit, although unfortunately it appears she didn’t make it any farther than the back garden.

It’s not a pickled octopus, but it’s mine.

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Filed under Office, Office gear, Steampunk

One response to “The octopus costs too much.

  1. To some people it’s a dried lizard, but to serious Victorian collectors, it’s a mummified specimen of the ancient Egyptian goddess, S’te-em pnhk.

Hit me with it.